Essex-West Hudson Labor Council AFL-CIO 33rd Annual “Celebration of Labor” Parade Friday, September 6, 2024 5:00pm Newark City Hall

September 6, 2024

The Essex-West Hudson Labor Council AFL-CIO will sponsor its 33rd Annual “Celebration of Labor” Parade on Friday, September 6, 2024, commencing at 5:00 p.m.

The Celebration of Labor Parade will commence with a Pre-Parade Program at Newark City Hall, which will include introductions, proclamations and speeches before the march from City Hall to Harriet Tubman Square/Washington Park. This activity is the only event of its kind held in New Jersey that honors working families in an interfaith religious setting. There will be food and refreshments afterwards.

The 2024 Grand Marshal is ANTHONY ABRANTES, Assistant Executive Secretary-Treasurer Eastern Atlantic State Regional Council of Carpenters and Founder/President Northwest Jersey Central Labor Council. Please make every effort to motivate your members to participate in this year’s Labor Day Parade and Celebration. Your participation is greatly appreciated!

In conjunction with the parade a “souvenir journal” will be published. You can appreciate the costs of sponsoring an event that includes bands, printing, and reception, are considerable. Enclosed you will find an ad contract listing several categories in which your Labor Union/Organization can participate. The souvenir journal will have wide circulation throughout the state and will be reviewed by religious, governmental and labor officials.

Your support will be greatly appreciated, and we look forward to seeing you on September 6th.

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