LaborPress High-Speed Rail & Future Construction Conference with a Tribute to Terry O’Sullivan. Teamsters Local 282, 2500 Marcus Avenue, Lake Success Long Island NY

September 5, 2024

Conference Sept 5, 2024 - High-Speed Rail & Future Construction / Tribute to Terry O’Sullivan

Conference September 5, 2024:

Morning: High-Speed Rail construction proposals in the Northeast creating thousands of union jobs. 8am Breakfast

Afternoon: Tribute to Terry O’Sullivan, LIUNA President Emeritus.

Over 300 local and national union leaders are expected to attend as well as a key Washington legislative delegation.

The morning discussion about high-speed rail construction includes

John Durso, President, Long Island Fed of Labor

Fred Reymond, AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer  

Amit Bose, Administrator, Fed Railroad Administration

Dean Divita, Past President of NCFO, 32BJ SEIU

Congressman Thomas Suozzi

Congressman Anthony D’Esposito

Key union leaders – Flyer attached

The afternoon program is a tribute to LIUNA General President Emeritus Terry O’Sullivan, with

Introductions by:

Gary LaBarbera, President, NYS BCTC

Timothy Driscol, President, BAC National Union

Michael Hellstrom, Vice President & Eastern Regional Manager LIUNA

Donato A. Bianco, Vice President & New England Regional Manager

Followed by a reception

Event taking place at Teamsters Local 282, 2500 Marcus Avenue, Lake Success Long Island 11042 – 8am Breakfast.

Here is the live link for the registration page -

contact Neal Tepel for further information.

LaborPress Publisher &Co- Conference Chair


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